The most minimal fragrance is a single aroma-molecule: Molecule 01. The next most minimal adds 1 to 01: 01 + 1. This is Molecule +.
The M+ line adds +1 to Iso E Super, the super aroma-molecule that turned the cloistered world of perfumery upside down.
Our M+ range is all about the best of the naturals + the best of the artificial. Morphing, intermingling, breaking apart, to rejoin in the dance that symbolises the relentless mechanism of modern existence.
Molecule 01 + Mandarin 100ml consists of Iso E Super + Mandarin.
Iso E Super is an abstract synthetic molecule characterised as a cedarwood note with a warm, velvety cocooning sensation.
Mandarin is a natural extracted from the mandarin orange.
Fruity and aromatic M+ Mandarin is all about the instant hit. The way it radiates off the skin with the citrus zestiness makes it a perfect scent for the sultry summer air.
M+ Mandarin 100ml is a fragrance with a narrative that twists and turns. In the first act, Mandarin's hearty twang hits instantly and all at once. As the effervescent note starts to fade away, the second act sees Iso E Super sync in, intermingling with the freshness of citrus. In the final scene, Mandarin slowly departs the stage, giving the limelight to the erogenous solo number offered by Molecule 01.